Monday, August 26, 2013


Well I'm happy to say that I've been doing most of the things that I set out to do. I fell off track of the drinking water wagon but am making my way back on it. I've been cooking at home more and bringing my lunch to work a couple of days each week usually 2 but always at least once. The exercising I've only just started to do. I'm doing yoga 5 mornings a week I may up that to 6 or 7 but I wanna run with the 5 for right now. I haven't been saving $100 a week but I have been saving money and I have a new savings account that makes it more difficult for me to take money out. It also isn't attached to a checking account with a debit card so I can avoid that trap. I absolutely haven't been updating my blogs but I find that I don't have much I want to put into print if you will. I have opinions and ideas and thoughts but I don't feel the need to share them with the world. I already knew that about myself but apparently I forgot when started this blog. I'm not so much a private person as I am a secretive person. I like to keep secrets and having a blog and doing that is counterproductive. I probably won't ever update this again and if I do it'll be months from now as is my habit.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Le Goals

So I sat down to think through exactly what my game-plan was going to be for this journey. I've decided to set some weekly goals to shoot for achieving instead of daily goals. A lot of sites suggest weekly as opposed to daily goals and I know from experience how demoralizing it is to get even one day off track when there is a daily expectation. So I've tried to start off with a few different items that I want to work into my weekly routine.

Le Goals

  • Eat 3 home-cooked dinners/week
  • Take my lunch to work 2 days/week
  • Exercise for 10 minutes- 3 days/week
  • Try one new vegetable/week
  • Update both blogs at least once weekly
  • Only drink 2 cokes per day
  • Drink at least 2 16oz. bottles of water/day
  • Eat breakfast every morning
  • Save at least $100 per week
I think that this is a pretty doable game-plan. It covers all the areas I want to improve myself in. Now I'm working on grocery shopping lists for this cooking that will occur and I also need to think of some rewards for myself for accomplishing these goals. Woot!

Thursday, April 25, 2013

The Decision

It happened quite by accident. I stumbled across an article on clean eating and was intrigued. The thought that I needed to change my eating habits and establish an exercise routine had be tumbling around my brain for months, years if I want to be honest, but I never did anything about it. I never made it past the point of thinking to myself: "I should research healthier living"or "I should make a gameplan for a total lifestyle change." Occasionally, I might spend a few hours skimming articles but I never went beyond that step. I never took myself seriously. To be honest, even as I create this blog I have my doubts. I'm a creature of habit and most of my current ones aren't that great. However recently I've been changing my habits and it's a trend I want to continue.

To that end, I'm cobbling together a gameplan for a total lifestyle change. In short, I plan to:
1) Start eating healthier.
2) Start exercising. 
3) Save several thousand dollars. 
4) Expand my skills set. 

I've started this blog as a means to hold myself accountable. This blog will serve as my journal of sorts. This is just the latest step in a big push to change my life and I want to keep track of my progress from now on so I can look back on this time when I'm feeling discouraged or stuck in my ways to say- "Vanna, you can change your life. You've already done it once before."